Bitcoin testnet transaction a7a3504df6db264ac83e8c2e70114f3f7f7e5bd5797b1e5d5d1235c98001a3fb
Time | 2024-04-22 08:50:16 UTC
10months 23days ago
Block | 2608474 [0] |
Type | coinbase |
Confirmations | 1 439 827 |
Confirmation time | less then minute |
Size / base size | 171 / 171 bytes |
Virtual size / weight | 171 / 684 |
Hash |
a7a3504df6db264ac83e8c2e70114f3f7f7e5bd5797b1e5d5d1235c98001a3fb |
Version | 1 |
Lock time | 0 |
Fee | 0tBTC |
Fee rate | 0 satoshi/vByte |
Data text | |
Data hex | b01ab10cf00f0900000000000000 |
Raw transaction |
1 input | 0tBTC |
Z'/|.< It's the end of the world as we know it >.|
2 outputs [ spent] | 0.01220703tBTC |
0 | |
0.01220703 |
Miner fee: | 0tBTC |
Amount: | 0.01220703tBTC |
Display scripts