Bitcoin testnet transaction 666e0df801df1bc6d698148e2b7c11237bb8637bfc3113557b0a2544a7ae0476
Time | 2016-11-01 16:17:42 UTC
8years 4months ago
Block | 1013791 [28] |
Type | legacy |
Confirmations | 3 103 067 |
Confirmation time | less then minute |
Size / base size | 307 / 307 bytes |
Virtual size / weight | 307 / 1228 |
Hash |
666e0df801df1bc6d698148e2b7c11237bb8637bfc3113557b0a2544a7ae0476 |
Version | 1 |
Lock time | 0 |
Fee | 0.00010000tBTC |
Fee rate | 32.57 satoshi/vByte |
Data text | Proof of serving video with id 2277 at address on 2016/11/01 09:04:33 |
Data hex | 50726f6f66206f662073657276696e6720766964656f20776974682069642032323737206174206164647265737320206f6e20323031362f31312f30312030393a30343a3333 |
Raw transaction |
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