Bitcoin testnet transaction 0263553446338ea35daac1e532292f4ae7cc1e191bc31fe98f89732d6b3db994
Time | 2022-12-10 02:25:17 UTC
2years 3months ago
Block | 2410585 [22] |
Type | segwit |
Confirmations | 1 639 441 |
Confirmation time | less then minute |
Size / base size | 257 / 148 bytes |
Virtual size / weight | 176 / 701 |
Witness |
c77c54d210562b7343c80bd32eafc611cbf256a83c3bf310de0dd255d8e9910e |
Version | 2 |
Lock time | 0 |
Fee | 0.00010000tBTC |
Fee rate | 56.82 satoshi/vByte |
Data text | The light shines in the darkness. I am with you always. |
Data hex | 546865206c69676874207368696e657320696e20746865206461726b6e6573732e204920616d207769746820796f7520616c776179732e |
Raw transaction |
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